American Drama: In Dialogue, 1714-Present by Foertsch, Jacqueline
American Drama: In Dialogue, 1714-Present by Foertsch, Jacqueline
12 in stock
Author(s): Foertsch, Jacqueline
Pub: Red Globe Press
Pack Qty: 0 (Paperback)
ISBN: 9781137605276 - New
233mm x 155mm x 16mm
Publication: 24 May 2017Pages: 291
An essential introductory textbook that guides students through 300 years of American plays, as well as their remarkable engagement with texts from across the Atlantic. Divided into seven historical periods, Jacqueline Foertsch offers unique overviews of 38 American plays and their reception, from Robert Hunters Androboros (c.1714) to Lin-Manuel Mirandas Hamilton (2015). Each historical section begins with an overseas play that proved influential to American playwrights in that period, demonstrating to students an astonishing dialogue taking place across the Atlantic.
This is an ideal core text for modules on American Drama GÇô or a supplementary text for broader modules on American Literature GÇô which may be offered at the upper levels of an undergraduate literature, drama, theatre studies or American studies degree. In addition it is a crucial resource for students who may be studying American drama as part of a taught postgraduate degree in literature, drama or American studies.